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Hi, I'm Arsenii Lyzenko

in Computer Science

City University of New York

National Technical University of Ukraine


Next.js, Vue.js/Vuex


Sass/Scss, Bootstrap,
Responsive Design

Dev Environment

npm, Webpack, Git,


Ajax, RESTful API,

Best Practices

MVC, OOP, Mobile-first,
SEO principles


Node.js, PHP, MySQL,

Front-End Engineer
at MyTelecom

  • Designing and developing the company's home website.
  • Contributing to a personal online account for managing services for customers.
  • Designing new and re-thinking old features for the company's Enterprise Resource Management system.
  • Technologies and etc: JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Bootstrap, MySQL, Yii2, PHP, i18n.

Irregular Verbs Challenge

Developed web application using JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and AJAX (Update: now runs on Vue.js, Vuetify, and Firebase) to assist ESL learners in learning irregular verbs through a competitive word game.

A Web Server

Set up an Apache webserver based on “Raspberry Pi” computer with supporting MySQL and PHP for hosting Irregular Verbs Challenge project.


Developing front-end for Single Page Web Application using Vue.js (Vue Router, Vuex), RestAPI (Axios), to provide a transport business tool to keep its accounting.

..and other works
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